Dark roast. Deep meaning.
Cadence Coffeehouse and Creperie is a Social Enterprise that seeks to EMPOWER historically underserved youth through job training programs, create a sense of COMMUNITY that is ACCEPTING of all people, and serve up the best Coffee, Crepes, and Sandwiches in the Mahoning Valley.
We strive to positively impact the lives of youth with mental illness, including foster kids, by adopting the following actions in our daily operations:

Connecting youth with mental health issues to adults who care and can help them

Accepting youth where they are and for who they are

Directing youth to positive experiences that improve their quality of life

Engaging youth through the creation of an accepting and inclusive community

Nurturing youth to gain both the hard and soft life skills necessary to succeed

Collaborating with other community members to create opportunities for those we serve

Educating the community about the mental health needs of children and adolescents

Employ local foster children, who reside in our Family and Treatment Foster homes, to provide them with the opportunities to succeed in life and overcome trauma they have endured.
We seek to offer job training and employment opportunities for the youth we serve while supporting programming that builds resilient and strong young adults with any revenue generated by the endeavor.
Through community sponsors and business proceeds, annually we intend to employ and train 20 youth that are identified as at-risk.
These young people will receive job and life skills training that can help them move on to other opportunities to become productive members of our community.
This project has two distinct targets:
Every kid needs a place to belong. Cadence Coffeehouse and Creperie hopes to be that place for kids who currently do not.
Be Part of Our Mission
Our goal to employ and train 20 youth annually cannot be sustained solely from proceeds derived by the shop. With that in mind, we need the community’s help to make this endeavor successful.

Sponsor a Barista.
$6,000 will cover the cost of training and employing each young person for a period of six months. This will allow them to work up to 20 hours a week (at the rate of $10 an hour) for a six-month period.
They will receive a meal during every shift, as well as counseling, training, and an opportunity to impact – and be impacted by – the culture of the coffeehouse.
Please consider giving and being part of this project. Second to solid mental and physical health, job skills and a solid work ethic are the most important things we can provide to young people. Supporters will be recognized on our wall of support located at the coffeehouse and on our website.

Mentor a Barista
Donate your time by mentoring a young person who is part of the training program.
Mentoring is a great opportunity to connect with these young people, educate them on a world outside of their current purview, and understand what it is like to live with mental health issues that can often be debilitating.
Contact [email protected] to discuss these opportunities further.
The Team Behind Cadence Coffeehouse and Creperie